Mission, Vision & Guiding Principles

2 min readFeb 13, 2021


Why they exist and should they even matter to you?

Some questions are very fundamental to an organization and help make us understand why an organization even exists? Today while reading a book I revised myself on some of these core questions of the very entity I co-founded 6 years back.

While thinking of these questions, I even thought why is it that none of my coworkers have ever come and asked these questions? Don’t these fundamental questions matter to them to help choose why they should work at a certain place? Is job description and nature of work the only input needed by a knowledge worker to help decide where they should work? How would they ever align themselves to what the organization wants and where it is heading to?

Some of these questions which came to my mind are:

What we(as in the org) want to achieve? What we are trying to do? Who we are working for? What problem we are trying to solve? What bonds the people who are working here? What is welcomed here and what is not? Why we say yes to a certain practice and no to some, what is the core guiding principle? What we are seeking? How can we lead the market; by our solutions, product, people, mindset?

Employees have to get connected at a fundamental level with the companies. They have to ask themselves why this company. At a time when there are many jobs (at least in tech) and the variety of salary/perks to choose from, they really have to understand what drives a company. What the company stands for?

Founders are very clear of their vision and mission. It’s crystal clear to them as to why they created an entity and what they intend to solve with this. Right from a long term goal to the current focus, it’s well defined for Entrepreneurs. But how often all employees get a chance to interact and discuss this with the business founders. The onus also lies on the company (the onboarding process) to impart what is the vision and mission of the company.

It’s synonymous with traveling…
People are in hurry to board a fancy-looking bus (Org in this context) but once they settle down they may know where the bus is taking them (only when they ask either the driver or a co-passenger who knows it with certainty). When we have clarity of where we are going, we are more likely to travel with a purpose in mind. And what would happen as a byproduct of that awareness is the feeling of joy in that travel.

One last thing…
Clarity comes with time and with clarity of vision, one can make a bigger impact.


Happy Reading!!
Nishant Verma
CEO, TestVagrant




Written by nishant.

Entrepreneur | Blogger | Author | Co-founder TestVagrant Technologies |Computer Engineer | IIM Bangalore Alumnus |

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